Below are some reflections from our weary travelers on the way home. Later in the week we'll get y'all some pictures and more of a commentary on what we were up to all last week, so come back, hear?
It’s tough to type on a bus, so bear with me. This is my second trip to NOLA, and I was affected by what I saw this time as if it were my first experience there. People who live there tell us it looks better. I don’t think it does. I read a book on the long drive back to Ontario called “1 Dead in the Attic”, by Chris Rose. He is a columnist for the Times-Picayune, who spent a lot of time documenting and reflecting on the emotional toll Katrina had on the residents of New Orleans. I want to take a quote from his moving observations. “A time will come when someone asks you, ‘What were you doing about it?’ You can’t tell them, ‘I was just watching it. I was just an innocent bystander.’ Let me tell you something: There are no innocent bystanders in this.”
I am so proud of all of the volunteers from all over North America who came to New Orleans and helped out after Katrina, and I am thankful that Aylmer Baptist Church and our community supported those of us who went there. We weren’t innocent bystanders, and we will never forget.
~Sue Helm~
The best thing about this time in New Orleans was seeing all the birds, insects, dogs and children. We heard children laughing while we were painting Vera,s house for her. People are returning. Anne Foster
We are now only 1 ½ hours from returning to our comfortable homes and safe environments. We were totally unprepared for the assault on our sense of fairness and equality. The vast expanse of devastation was overwhelming. We can all look back on how this experience has changed our lives in so many ways – from new friendships made and old friendships strengthened, to the work accomplished, to the stories we heard. Thanks to all involved for this wonderful opportunity to serve.
Lyle and Sue Jillard
Dave & Lorraine – It was an awesome week, some tears, laughter, new friends in NOLA.
A huge thanks to Cam for all his hard work getting us there and back
safe and sound.
We did so much and at the same time, there is still so much left to do! Saying we’ve finished our job is not even close to true….we’ll be back! Mark, Paul, and Morgan
It is hard to believe that we are on our way home. Just a moment ago we left. It will be good to get back to family, but I feel everyone on the bus has become family. Lots of hard work, some tears and laughter. Meeting Mayor Nagin was great, although it would have been nice to ask him questions. Dr. Stephens took time out of his busy schedule to be with us several times – he is great. This is definitely a life changing experience. All the thanks in the world to Cam for his patience and attention to detail. Thanks to Aylmer Baptist Church Family. Although it will probably take years, New Orleans will come back. We hope we can help again. Diana and Bill Arthur. May Lynn Rochus-Firby